Planning a road trip in Wallonia? Fantastic! Here are a few tips to make your journey easier. Just remember this word: R.E.S.P.E.C.T, which sums up perfectly the motorhome driver's ethos.
- Respect nature
- Enjoy staying away from groups
- Stay in authorised parking spaces
- Prefer local products
- Exercise politeness and discretion
- Communicate
- Take your promises seriously
Respect nature
Draining and refuelling
As much as possible, try to plan and arrange these before getting on the road. Infrastructures, in Wallonia, are designed to allow the draining of vehicles every 2-3 days.
It's worth taking a few minutes to check where services areas equipped for this are along your route:
- Find services areas for motorhomes online
- Have a look at this public areas and campsites maps.
Please note: pluvial networks (gutters and sewers) cannot be used for draining your motorhome. Not all are connected to a treatment facility.
How shall domestic waste be disposed?
In Wallonia, domestic waste needs to be sorted for recycling. Please use the dedicated containers, whichever region you are in: you will find some at each official site. Fly tipping is illegal and will be fined.
- will tell you more about sorting out domestic waste. The website is available in three languages
- BEP Environnement has (available in French only)
- This website will tell you more on
Don't forget, before leaving your parking or camping space
- Leave it as clean as it was when you arrived / how you would like to find it
- Say thank you to the team onsite
Enjoy staying away from groups
A group of motorhomes stopped in a town or urban area can be mistaken for camping. Better avoid - outside campsites - to set up a BBQ or washing line...
Stay in authorised parking spaces
Wild camping is not authorised in Wallonia
- Where can I park my motorhome when visiting a town or a site ?
- Where can I stay with my motorhome in Wallonia ?
Speed limits
Speed limites for motorhomes in Wallonia are the same as cars'.
- Between 20 and 50 km/h in urban areas: please check the signs
- 90 km/h on normal roads outside urban areas
- 120 km/h on motorways and dual carriage ways
Motorhomes with a Gross Vehicle Weight superior to 3.5 tons shall not, however, go faster than 90 km /h on motorways and dual carriage ways.
All roads are free to use in Wallonia. You can use motorways with your motorhome without having to pay anything.
- All motorhomes must have a fire extinguisher, a warning triangle, a reflective safety jacket and a first aid kit
- Do not sleep outside authorised areas, even for a night. Have a look at the map in this section instead!
Prefer local products
Wallonia has a wealth of delicious terroir products! Make sure to try these foodie delights.
Exercise politeness and discretion
Be kind to others:
- No noise nuisance please! Remember you have neighbours
- No overlapping
- Do not monopolise public spaces
- Look after your pets - a much to be sure they are not bothering other people than to be able to clean after them
The R.E.S.P.E.C.T. chart promotes a positive attitude. Saying hello, thanks can go a long way. Exchanging with fellow motorhome drivers are always a joy, if only to exchange tips, memories, itineraries. But please try to regroup too much, as explained above. Locals will be delighted to chat with you, give advice. Cheerfulness is part of the Walloon DNA!
In a nutshell: a smile, a chat will help give a good image of motorhome drivers all around. And make extra friends along the way.
Take your promises seriously
This chart matters! As does driving safely, being civil when staying in a public area. This makes sure towns, locals continue welcoming motorhomes warmly. Which makes your holidays even nicer! Definitely a win-win situations.
Welcome to Wallonia!