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On a budget? Reduction vouchers, free entries, passes , advantages for families... Here are smart ideas to make the most of your stay in Wallonia without breaking the bank.

Tip N°1: The Pass


Would you like to enjoy a wide range of advantages, to visit attractions, museums, touristic locations and even rent a lodging in the South of Belgium?

No time to wait: simply download the new VISITWallonia pass! This free, digital touristic pass is the perfect way to visit Wallonia at budget-friendly prices.

Tip n°2 : the city guides

23 city guides free to download, to know all about our enchanting towns, their best spots, their history & culture and more.

A must read when planning a trip to Southern Belgium

Tip N°3: Holiday Passes

Couple with their backs to us, facing the Delta in Namur© WBT - Bruno D'Alimonte

Tip n°4: the Museum Pass

For 59€, this pass gives you access to 188 museums in Wallona and Belgium. As many as you wish, as many times as you wish and whenever you wish. (Belgian residents only)

Tip n°5: Free Museums

Even better: quite a few museums in Wallonia open their doors for free the first Sunday of the month. 

The perfect way to plan the perfect stay in Wallonia!

For more information asbl Arts & Publics.

© WBT - Bruno D’Alimonte

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23 Charming Towns & Cities
